Cultural Arts Program

Every year, the Adams PTA provides a diverse range of cultural arts programs to all students. The Cultural Arts program exposes students to a variety of cultural interests such as art, music, literature and science.

Each August, our volunteer Cultural Arts representatives attends UAC training sessions and an art fair. They also apply for UAC grants to help cover the costs of bringing these activities to our school. Cultural arts programs are selected based on feedback collected from teachers and students. The PTA cultural arts volunteers obtain contracts and coordinate activities with the artists, UAC and school staff.

Bringing these activities to Adams is one of the largest investments that our PTA makes each year, and could not occur without the generous financial support of our PTA members and our school PTA annual fundraiser donations. Assistance is also provided by the United Arts Council (UAC) of Raleigh and Wake County.

2021/22 Cultural Arts Assemblies and Programs

  • Antonio Rocha: Acting, Mime and Sound Effects!

    This Virtual Program will be seen by classrooms between October 20-26th.

    Antonio Rocha, originally from Brazil, presents a unique fusion of acting, mime and realistic sound effects creating an extremely engaging and dynamic educational experience.

    His career spans 30 years with performances including Wolf Trap, The Kennedy Center, The Smithsonian and several storytelling festivals, schools and libraries across the USA and 16 other countries and across 6 continents. He is the recipient of prestigious awards such as Parents Choice GOLD in 2008 and The Oracle Circle of Excellence by The National Storytelling Network, 2015.

    Antonio has also been in the roster of United Arts since 2010 presenting successfully in the both elementary and middle schools settings.

  • Coming Soon

    Our Cultural Arts volunteers are hard at work creating programing for this year. Check-in for updates this fall as activities are being planned.

  • Coming Soon

    Our Cultural Arts volunteers are hard at work creating programing for this year. Check-in for updates this fall as activities are being planned.