Go Play Save.

THANK YOU for purchasing and selling GoPlaySave.
Adams raised $4,417.50 in 2021 and hopes to surpass this in 2022!
These funds support PTA programs and events.

Help Adams and GO support local businesses,
PLAY all year long and SAVE money at the same time!

Historically, this is the PTA’s biggest fundraiser. Students recieve coupon books to sell to family, friends and neighbors. Please return unsold books to your teacher. Detailed information is sent home with students.

These coupon books contain hundreds of savings for local restaurants, fun and services—all while supporting the Adams PTA.

2021/22 Pricing:
A paper or mobile book can be purchased for $30.00.
Or you can bundle them for the special price of $45.00 and double the coupons.

How to Take Online Orders:
Click the “Set-Up Your Student Link” button below.
On the GoPlaySave page, find the large green START SELLING button on the upper right.